Spectre Stock - $5
Spectre - $20
Stampede shield - $7
Magstrike, one clip - $18
Raider mag well. - $10
Longshot bolt sled - $15
" " plunger tube - $7
" " plunger head - $1
3X 6-dart clips - $6ea
Nite Finder.
Couplered with custom coupler. Minimized. Comes with 5" Conduit speed loader and 3-dart inline clip. Upgraded main and catch springs, reinforced, dart stop. Slightly sanded for grungy look. Don't know range, don't have a tape. 100% Seal, relubed. Really sturdy, clean, very reliable and accurate. - $55 Ono.
I'm able to contract any kind of single barrel. Speed loaders, slide breeches, RSCBs and inlines.
Can also make darts. I've got 450 1.5" blanks of Angel's foam here, another 100' on it's way, if anyone's interested. Also, a lot of blue foam. Can make stefans, snap cap darts, etc.
I'll update this if I find anything else.
Last edited by Mozart on Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:14 pm; edited 12 times in total