The Nerf Elite Retaliator. Here is another Blaster Pic.
The Accessories
The Clip of 12 Awesome points!
The Internals
First, off this is a direct plunger system meaning that white piece you see, is the plunger tube. The orange piece sticking out of it is the Plunger rod. Look at the pic you will see that the breech is also located within the plunger. Kind of weird at first. Those two white pieces at the bottom are the locks.
This write up is just the simple AR removal, and locks. This is just like the recon but smaller breech and a different set up. Going from reverse plunger to direct is a little weird. The Spring not seen in the picture rests on the orange PR. IT is weak, but we will get to that. First you need to remove the PT and breech set up. It is easy it slides out.
First we are going to look at that pesky AR/peg. There it is see it? Sorry for the pic. I couldn't get it at the right spot.
"How do I remove it?" Asks the kid in the back row.
"Simple", I say. "However you need to know that thing moves the length of the breech shaft and there is no way to grab it unless you have a longer set of needle nose. So what I did, is that I took a screwdriver and hammer and removed the peg by nailing it. (A laugh chuckles from the class. Mr. Greydon looks sternly at them.) Once you do that you will notice that the three prong AR piece is still there. I didn't have long enough needle nose pliers to get them out so I kept it in there. But look at it it creates a small hole.
That could be used for a better air flow. I kept it in there, because of my situation with the needle nose pliers. But class that is the simple AR Removal. I will get better Needle nose pliers and get that thing out of there. But here is the first write up of an Elite blaster. Hope you like. No! I didn't do a range test it is too hot here to try one. So don't ask.
Ok here are some more pictures that everyone asked me for. First of all a picture of a Recon and the Retaliator internal together.
You can see the differences.
Now it is time for the breeches and boltsleds. The Boltsleds are the same, but the breeches are different. Top is the Retaliator and the Bottom is the Recon.
Small = better here. Usually we hear bigger is better.
I was asked if it was like the nitefinder. Well here are two pictures the top one is the Nitefinder and the bottom is the Retaliator. These are the plunger tubes.
The Retaliator is a little shorter. Seems to be a decent seal. too. In order to get the Plunger rod out, you have to boil it or cut it at the orange piece at the end.
Next up is the NF and Retaliator Plunger rods. The retaliator is a bit shorter length wise, but they are about the same size for the rest of the rod. I didn't do a caliper measurement because I don't have one. I did use a ruler though and they are the same.
Next up is the Catch mech. The white one is the Retaliator and the orange one is the recon. I did two pictures. The first one is the side by side, and the next one is the laying over shot. You can see the differences better.
Next Up is the Spring. The right is the stock retaliator, and the left is a stock NF spring.
Last edited by Greydon on Mon Jul 02, 2012 4:26 am; edited 2 times in total