Enfid Wed Jul 21, 2010 5:07 am
To get back on topic, the dog doesn't have to bring it back to you with slobber and all. He/she can be trained to bark and point (well, not literally) at where the dart is. It's gonna be cool, and another way to bond with your pet. Also, a nerf war is going to double as a pet meet up or something, though that brings the problem of what if some dogs don't like each other.
When there's a new idea, criticise it about what it lacks, then suggest solutions or a different way to go about it. Panning the idea immediately and ostracising the 'inventor' is the absolute bane of advancement. Case in point: Galileo and this theory of the Earth orbiting the sun.
I mean, what would have been of the mobile phone if everyone who watches Batman back in the 80's saw the "wireless telephone" and think "that's stupid and it's never going to happen/nobody's going to be able to afford and use it"?
Before typing "that's stupid" (or in new internet speak "(EPIC) FAIL"), please type "It won't work because......" then give reasons.
Last edited by Enfid on Wed Jul 21, 2010 5:16 am; edited 1 time in total