One Clear stock Raider (blaster alone, no magazine) -
One Photon Storm blaster -
One Foam Magnum Pistol - $20.
One X-Shot TurboFire blaster (with its 20 suction darts) -
One empty Magstrike shell - $1 (or free if you can convince me).
One Magstrike pump handle and internal (no bladder though). There is a hole on the air tube which you will need to replace if you intend to use that part. - $1 (or free if you can convince me).
Various bits and pieces.
Stampede shields (one sold and one remaining)- $1 each.
Buzz Bee Ultimate Missille Blast's Glo missiles (still glowing) - $0.50 each.
Longshot scope - $2.
Last edited by Akimbo Assassin on Sat Jul 14, 2012 7:31 am; edited 26 times in total (Reason for editing : Item status changed.)