Ah! the Single Tec. A poor man's Nitefinder. It may not have the cred of a Nitefinder, but it can put up a good fight.
I got mine from a 4 pack which came with 2 Big Blast's and 2 Single Tec's. Quite a good package mind you. those big blasts are big fun when they shoot micros. But those Single Tec's also have some use as well. Even if you don't want to use them, the springs inside work well inside of Nitefinder springs for that added oomph.
Now lets get on with the meat and potatoes of the write up.
You will need:
-Single Tec (well der captian obvious)
-File, Preferbly with a rounded side, due to the fact you have to file round surfaces
-Screwdriver, Very simillar to the one pictured. Due to the fact that the Single Tec has very small screw holes and they take some force to budge.
-Some 2 part epoxy glue. (you could also use hot glue if your impatient)
-4 inches of K&S 17/32 Stock brass tube
-Some way of removing the peg inside the barrel. Either thin pliers or drill (not shown)
The darts that came with the Single Tec will not fit down 17/32 brass tubing. Only for Stock Nerf Darts and 13mm Stefans.
Now open 'er up and this peice will fly out. what ever you do, dont bloody lose it, its part of the trigger. It will be 3 parts, Plastic bit, spring and metal rod.
and the inside
Take out the plunger assemlby. and either break off the peg inside the barrel with pliers (thats what i did) or drill it out. and then sand the inside of barrel down so the brass tube will fit down it.
Also notice the 4 notches in the plunger arm. this means there is 4 differnt areas it can cock to. which is rather pointless. all you want is FULL POWAAA!!
Then glue the brass in place, but make sure it the brass tube goes all the way down. Becasue the part that grips the dart is only an inch long, then there is a wider part and that creates a dead space.
A crude example in paint
Now it gets fiddly. Put this part back and hold it in place with the plunger arm (plunger arm not pictured) and seal it up. it may take a few tries to get it togheter correctly, so be warned.
Here it is compared to a stock Single Tec
Ranges comming soon.
I got mine from a 4 pack which came with 2 Big Blast's and 2 Single Tec's. Quite a good package mind you. those big blasts are big fun when they shoot micros. But those Single Tec's also have some use as well. Even if you don't want to use them, the springs inside work well inside of Nitefinder springs for that added oomph.
Now lets get on with the meat and potatoes of the write up.
You will need:
-Single Tec (well der captian obvious)
-File, Preferbly with a rounded side, due to the fact you have to file round surfaces
-Screwdriver, Very simillar to the one pictured. Due to the fact that the Single Tec has very small screw holes and they take some force to budge.
-Some 2 part epoxy glue. (you could also use hot glue if your impatient)
-4 inches of K&S 17/32 Stock brass tube
-Some way of removing the peg inside the barrel. Either thin pliers or drill (not shown)
The darts that came with the Single Tec will not fit down 17/32 brass tubing. Only for Stock Nerf Darts and 13mm Stefans.
Now open 'er up and this peice will fly out. what ever you do, dont bloody lose it, its part of the trigger. It will be 3 parts, Plastic bit, spring and metal rod.
and the inside
Take out the plunger assemlby. and either break off the peg inside the barrel with pliers (thats what i did) or drill it out. and then sand the inside of barrel down so the brass tube will fit down it.
Also notice the 4 notches in the plunger arm. this means there is 4 differnt areas it can cock to. which is rather pointless. all you want is FULL POWAAA!!
Then glue the brass in place, but make sure it the brass tube goes all the way down. Becasue the part that grips the dart is only an inch long, then there is a wider part and that creates a dead space.
A crude example in paint
Now it gets fiddly. Put this part back and hold it in place with the plunger arm (plunger arm not pictured) and seal it up. it may take a few tries to get it togheter correctly, so be warned.
Here it is compared to a stock Single Tec
Ranges comming soon.