Winterstrike Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:03 pm
Things that I didn't think were so great. Correct me if I'm wrong.
1. You brought Mavericks to a nerf war, only Tidge is allowed to do that, as his Maverick shoots 100ft. And well, it's Tidge, the man does parkour.
2. You brought Mavericks to a nerf war.
3. Bringing a Maverick is 1 Hubbard(The "Hubbard" is the SI unit of measurement for the amount of fail). Using two Mavericks at the same time is at least 3 Hubbards unless you're Goro as you have no free hand to prime the gun after firing either one.
4. You brought Vulcans to a nerf war.
5. All the above weapons were stock.
6. Your organiser is pretty gangsta. I'm pretty gangsta myself.
7. What's the deal with everyone wearing backpacks? Are you all Europeans who stay in hostels?
8. You needed more banDOUGHliers. It's not a nerf war with Nerffirefight24 unless you have them.
9. Why are people picking up ammo straight away during combat? Wtf is this? Nerf paid for by centrelink?
10. Needs way more cover. I hear forts are good. While I was looking around, I noticed another playground which is called St.Kilda playground in your state which ALSO has a fort like ours. You might want to check that one out, or something like it. There's no facetiousness there.
11. The lip sync is either off or you guys are speaking Cantonese and you're the stars of a bad Hong Kong movie.
What I liked.
1. You had girls in your nerf war.
2. I like Borderlands.