Now, someone out there has to own one of these Optimus Prime RP blasters. Looks like:
Now, I use getting sub-par ranges out of mine, so I decided something had to be done. My idea was to completely recreate this blaster to an awesome shotgun-styled blaster with a custom paintjob. At the moment I not sure how I will do said paintjob, whether I'll go for a War for Cybertron style look, or just a general sci-fi one. Anyway, here's the blaster at the moment (Sorry for bad imagery, I've lost my SD card reader so I can only get my pictures from my webcam.)
This is the list of what I plan to do with it:
1: Cut off these extra handle sections.
2: Relocate the trigger (Don't know whether I'll use a custom made trigger or a key ring one)
3: Custom ammo storage (as many darts as I can fit!)
4: New custom shotgun grip for reloading (I might use my old recon tactical light shell for this)
5: Low powered laser light/pointer thingy (Anyone know what the legal intensity and where to get one?)
6: Finish drilling out the rest of that air restrictor, I popped the part with the spring out, but I haven't finished yet.
7: Get a new spring and pad the end of that bolt, just to be safe
8: New catch spring
So that's the to-do list.
Anyway, to work. First things first, take all the screws out, only on the main body, not on the barrel, trigger handle and the part that slides. Lift that plate off, and you'll se the full second part. You should have it like this:
Take the screws out of the second part and put them in a separate place, and open that part. I can't show you internals because I have a ripped screw and have probably messed everything up anyway. After that, remove the bolt and the orange barrel casing, and then take that off, looks like this:
Then, open up on the red piece, there's no glue so it just slides apart. Take AR will just fall out, if memory serves me correctly, then just cut out the prongs there. Pictures when I come to that.